West Oxfordshire District Council has announced its Local Plan 2041 Consultation is now live.
Preparation of the new local plan will help shape the future of West Oxfordshire to 2041.
An up-to-date plan is essential to provide a vision and framework for the Council in making decisions on how, where and when development can take place and the measures required to protect and enhance the environment for current and future generations.
What is included in the consultation?
The Council is seeking comments on three main areas, including:
- Draft local plan objectives – draft objectives which aim to guide the future evolution of the plan in terms of its overall approach and anticipated policy content.
- The future pattern of development in West Oxfordshire – different scenarios for how and where the focus will be for future growth in the period up to 2041.
- Call for sites, ideas and opportunities – stakeholders are invited to submit their comments on how land within the district could be used for future housing, employment, infrastructure, green space, community use, nature recovery and renewable energy.
When will the consultation close?
The consultation will run for eight weeks and feedback should be submitted before the consultation closes on Wednesday 25th October 2023.
With significant expertise in promoting sites through local plans and seeing them through to planning applications and implementation, we were actively involved in the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 process and secured planning consents for a number of major developments following this.
Further information on the consultation and instructions on submitting your comments can be found on the West Oxfordshire District Council Local Plan 2041 page.
If you’re a landowner or developer seeking assistance with sites in West Oxfordshire for housing, employment, renewable energy, carbon, or biodiversity offsetting, get in contact with our team on 01865 731700 or email us via enquiries@edgarslimited.co.uk.