Co-operative retail food store and land


Co-operative retail food store and land, Kidlington


The client wished to appeal the refusal of planning permission, by way of an Informal Hearing. Planning permission was sought through the planning inspectorate following our appeal on behalf of our clients.

The challenge

The project had been at planning stage for some two years. The proposed alterations were to the existing retail store, the conversion of existing offices to form eight, two bedroom flats and at land to the rear, the construction of 44 two bedroom flats bringing the total to 52 new flats. The permission also included landscaping, construction of new accesses, car parking, servicing and turning areas. It had been rejected by the local council on grounds of insufficient contributions and a design considered at odds with a framework masterplan for the village centre of Kidlington.

The solution

We reviewed all the evidence and co-ordinated the professionals in the client’s team before and at the hearing to ensure a robust case. We prepared evidence to address the reasons for refusal and present these verbally and in written form to the Planning Inspector.

The result

In allowing the appeal the inspector concluded that the proposed residential development would contribute significantly to the regeneration of Kidlington centre by helping boost
its vitality and providing revenue to existing commercial uses. The Inspector identified that the proposed residential development would also indirectly support an enhanced evening economy.

“We were delighted to finally secure a planning permission through Edgars.” Tony Nolan, Managing Director, Cantay Estates Limited

If you’re looking for planning consultants to assist you with commercial buildings, education facilities, masterplanning and more, we can help. Get in touch with us on 01865731700 or email

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