South Oxfordshire

Holiday lets

South Oxfordshire

Holiday lets

South Oxfordshire

Holiday lets

Private estate holiday lets


Edgars has been advising a private country estate in South Oxfordshire on a range of diversification projects to generate additional income for the estate, in particular for the maintenance and upkeep of its historic buildings. Home Farm is located adjacent to the former walled garden and contains several historic and modern agricultural buildings that have become redundant. The estate was seeking viable uses for these buildings to secure their future. A holiday let-use was identified as an appropriate use that would conserve the historic buildings.

The challenge

The estate is located within the Oxford Green Belt, and
as such, Edgars had to demonstrate very special circumstances for part of the scheme not falling within appropriate development within the green belt. The site is within the Nuneham Courtenay conservation area and a registered park and garden and several of the buildings are curtilage listed.

The solution

Edgars had to work closely with the Architect and Heritage Consultant to secure a sympathetic design solution for this sensitive site. It also had to prepare a robust case for development in the green belt, demonstrating the benefits to the rural economy and to heritage assets that the scheme would achieve. The proposals were discussed through a comprehensive pre- application enquiry. The Local Planning Authority recognised the economic and heritage benefits of the scheme.

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